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Buy 车内杯架 Cup Holder

Purchase information

OE Experience:
Purchasing Type:
Long term
Target Supplying Market:
我司有意储备一批汽车内饰的生产商,如车内杯架Cup Holder,现要求如下:有TS 认证最好,配套经验重要,生产商。

Requirements of suppliers

Business Type:
Manufacturers only
OE experience required:
Export experience required:
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About This Buyer

Company Name:
French OE Buyer
Company Description:
As a global player in the automotive industry, Faurecia now counts all the world’s major automakers among its customers. With sales of almost €12.7 billion in 2007, the Group ranks second among automotive suppliers in Europe and eighth in the world. Faurecia’s 60,000 employees in 28 countries are guardians of the company’s expertise in the design and production of six major vehicle modules, namely seats, cockpits, door panels, acoustic packages, front ends and exhaust systems. Faurecia passes on this expertise to its customers by forging an ever closer working relationship with them throughout the vehicle design, development and manufacturing phases. The Group has 190 plants in 28 countries around the globe, of which 40% operate in just-in-time mode. Each year, Faurecia opens new component and just-in-time sites in Europe, Asia, and North and South America, where needed.