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  1. Buy 橡胶件 Rubber Parts

    目标供应市场:国内 质量认证的要求:有ISO,最好有TS 类型的要求:制造商 OE经验要求:有

  2. Buy 塑料件 Plastic Parts

    目标供应市场:国内 质量认证的要求:有ISO,最好有TS 类型的要求:制造商 OE经验要求:有

  3. Buy 焊接工艺
    South Korea


  4. Buy 粉末冶金 Powder Metallurgy

    我们正寻找中冷器,散热器,冷凝器,粉末冶金的供应商,要求如下: 1.TS16949认证; 2.最好在珠三角地区; 3.必须有直接配套经验; 4.必须有很好的英语沟通能力; 5.如果是大陆民营企业,年销售额必须在5000万RMB/年,外资或合资的年销售额必须超过1亿元/年。

  5. Buy Cold Forging

    We are Terminales Automotrices S.A. an enterprise of the autoparts sector, we produce OEM parts and equipment for rehearing. We are focused on the axial ball joints and terminals for small cars. Within our portfolio of suppliers is large quantity of cold forgings and hot, so we'd like to make contact with you to establish potential business relationships. Thanks.

  6. Buy 机加工件 Machining

    我公司正寻找中冷器,散热器,冷凝器,泡沫塑料,粉末冶金,机加工件的供应商,要求如下: 1.TS16949认证; 2.最好在珠三角地区; 3.有直接配套经验; 4.必须有良好的英语沟通能力; 5.如果是大陆民营企业,年销售额必须在5000万RMB/年,外资或合资的年销售额必须超过1亿RNB/年。

  7. Buy 密封垫 Seal Cushion

    我公司正寻找寻找气缸盖罩(金属),气缸盖,气缸体,气缸套,飞轮,活塞 ,活塞环,活塞销,连杆,曲轴,油底壳,轴瓦,张紧器,张紧轮,密封垫,气门,凸轮,摇臂 & 摇臂轴挺柱,推杆,催化转换器,进气管、进气歧管,排气管、排气歧管,水泵,节温器,机油冷却器,机油泵,机油标尺,高压点火线,点火线圈,点火模块,点火开关,火花塞,分火头,分电器,分电器盖,燃油滤清器,空气滤清器,机油滤清器,滤芯,水滤,变速箱滤清器,轮毂轴承单元,离合器压盘 离合器盖总成,离合器从动盘,半轴,传动轴的供应商,必须有TS认证和配套经验。

  8. Buy Casting

    We will take part in the Ningbo Match-Making event held by Gasgoo on April.8th to choose the best factories. Please talk to us during the event. We are waiting for your presence during the event. We can have a long-term business relationship.

  9. Buy Plastic Bumper

    We will take part in the Ningbo Match-making event held by Gasgoo on April.8th to have a further communication with you factories about the item Plastic Bumper. Please contact with us during the event. We are waiting for our reply.

  10. Buy 橡胶件 Rubber

    我们有意向储备一批橡胶件配套供应商。 供应商要求: 1. TS16949; 2. 有大型合资主机厂直接配套经验,有给日系配套的优先考虑。