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  1. Buy 挤压件 Extruding


  2. Buy 冲压件 Stamping


  3. Buy 渗碳处理 Carburizing Treatment


  4. Buy 塑料件 Plastic Parts


  5. Buy 橡胶件 Rubber Parts


  6. Buy 橡胶护口 Grommer-D.E.

    我们有意向寻找一批橡胶护口配套供应商,主要是启动机的零部件,给俄罗斯的乘用车配套服务。如果有合适的供应商,请尽快跟盖世汽车网联系,经过他们严格审核推荐后,我们将确定时间面谈供应商。 供应商要求: 1. 有出口俄罗斯经验; 2. 中小型企业规模; 3. 有配套经验; 4. 有TS认证证书。

  7. Buy 密封橡胶圈 Gasket soln

    我们有意向寻找一批密封橡胶圈配套供应商,主要是启动机的零部件,给俄罗斯的乘用车配套服务。如果有合适的供应商,请尽快跟盖世汽车网联系,经过他们严格审核推荐后,我们将确定时间面谈。 供应商要求: 1. 有出口俄罗斯经验; 2. 中小型企业规模; 3. 有配套经验; 4. 有TS认证证书。

  8. Buy Cast Ductile Iron Crankshaft
    United States

    We are looking for Cast Ductile Iron crankshaft suppliers. We want to import this from China to our American market. It should be with high quality and competitive price. Please feel free to contact us.

  9. Buy Aluminium Products

    I represent the company PEC (located in Belgium, US, China and Hungary) and I would be interesting in knowing aluminium extrusion companies in China. Thank you for contacting me as I would be able to send you a Request For Quotation.

  10. Buy Elastomer

    We are the pioneer in our sector, and nowadays we are the leaders and the largest Auto Center Group in Espírito Santo State. Our focus is excellent in automotive service and products (under car), and we are expanding our business by looking for products to distribute in whole Brazilian territory. The Brazilian automotive industry is among the 7 largest in the world. Another very important segment is the repositioning. According to the Brazilian Autoparts Manufacturers Associatio (Sindipeças)) data, the Brazilian circulating fleet totalizes about 26 million vehicles, with average age of 9 years and 2 months. That is, the market is vast and promising. Right now, we are looking for suppliers of: - Alloy Wheels - Elastomers I kindly ask you to send us additional information such as catalogue, prices and terms of payment, minimum order and delivery time. Looking forward to do business with you.