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  1. Buy Progressive Stamping + Welding

    Progressive Stamping TIG/CMT Welding Presser size: 100 T - 600 T Normal material i.e.: SPCC-SD, SPHE, DC04 etc. 1.认证要求:At lease ISO/TS 16949 or VDA 6.1 or QS 9000 2.供应商类型:manufacturer. 3.出口和配套经验 :Automotive expierience is important, if with export expierience is better 4.规模和实力:Preferred medium Size which have capability and also customer 5.英语能力:Engineering, quality & sales people no problem with English communication

  2. Buy 冲压
    South Korea

    我们需要北京方圆500公里以内的冲压工艺供应商,主要集中于辽宁,河北,天津,北京,内蒙等地区。 供应商要求: 1. TS16949认证; 2. 有相关配套经验; 3. 质量是关键。

  3. Buy 钣金冲压

    我们正在寻找国内优秀的钣金冲压供应商。 供应商要求: 1、一定要有多年的国内或国外乘用车配套经验; 2、最好有TS16949认证,如果没有,实力特别强也可考虑;

  4. Buy 电机扇叶(金属冲压件)

    采购的产品名:电机扇叶(金属冲压件) 生产工艺的要求: 机进模冲压 对供应商需提供设备的要求 :机进模冲压 产品材质要求 :钢材 目标采购市场 国内及国外市场 开始采购时间:2009年 是否愿意付模具费用: 是 质量认证的要求 :TS16949 对年销售额的要求 :>1亿人民币

  5. Buy Stamping Parts

    We want to find some potential stamping supplier for suspension system.It's better located around Shanghai,Jiangsu, Zhejiang.TS is preferred.

  6. Buy 冲压件


  7. Buy Synchro Ring (Outer)

    We want to purchase Synchro Rings (Outer) from Best Cost Country. Pls notice that it is a Precision stamping part, the supplier should be the top suppliers in this field and OE experience for overseas OEM buyers(European OEM is better).

  8. Buy Grinding plates

    The Grinding plates we need them for finishing parts of metal- all types on the buses.we need the supplier communicating in English.

  9. Buy Hot stamping part

    For the hot stamping part, we would like to know the suppliers who have the "hot stamping press" 1200T-2000T. It is not a common equipement,It could be consider as a special technology

  10. Buy Rain Cap
    United States

    We are look for rain cap that goes over the top of the exhaust outlet. The rain cap's materials are stainless steel and low carbon stee. Our suppliers should have import and export experience and it is better if those suppliers have Ts Certification.If you are manufacturer,please feel free to contact us.

About BBS

PSI inquires are for the parts used in repair and maintenance, the after market buyers are usually trade company, buying office, distributor or wholesaler.